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Support Contacts

In case of trouble with installation or usage of Cinderella, please check our FAQ and other support options first.

If this does not help, please ask at the Electronic Media Helpdesk of Springer, which can be reached using eMail.

Licensing and Order Information

You should contact our publisher Springer-Verlag New York for all questions regarding the ordering and licensing of Cinderella in North America. International requests are handled by Springer Heidelberg.

General Requests

All other requests should be send by regular mail to

Prof. Ulrich Kortenkamp
Sekr. MA 6-1
TU Berlin
D-10623 Berlin

or use the contact information found at the author information page. You can also try to send email to this email address, but be aware that we receive hundreds of unsolicited emails a day through this account, which means that we cannot guarantee that we read or answer your email. However, we try anyway.