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Deutsche Version
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for $59.95 (single user).
Network licenses are available, please contact Springer NY for details.
The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella
Cinderella is a software for doing geometry on the computer, and it is designed to be both mathematically robust and easy to use. Read more about it on our website, check some interactive examples or download a demo to see yourself. Alternatively, you can read the review in MAA online.
To the left you see a screenshot
of the software. You can run Cinderella on Windows, MacOS, Linux, and many other
Unix variants, since it is written in JavaŽ.
And since Java is built into many browsers, such as Netscape and Internet Explorer, you and others can use your constructions across the Internet. Communicating geometry is easy with Cinderella.
2/24/2004 New Server has been transferred to a new server.
1/15/2004 Download re-enabled
Due to some problems we had to disable the download section of the demo version. We are happy to say that the download is available again. We are still in the process of re-designing our website, so please stay tuned for more content to come.
10/9/2003 New discussion forum
Thanks to the Spline group of the Free University of Berlin we now have a discussion forum for Cinderella.
10/1/2003 Cinderella website relaunch
After a few months (or years?) without updates we relaunched our website with a new design, new structure and new content. Expect failing links and other problems during the transition phase. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we are sure that the new site will be much more useful than the old one ever was.
8/8/2002 New Zaurus version of Cinderella
We have updated the preview version of Cinderella for the SHARP Zaurus SL-5000 series!
Read more in our news archive...