Math Authors On.Tour  
Listen to talks and attend workshops to learn more

You want to learn more about Cinderella? The best opportunity are the talks and workshops given by the authors and other Cinderella-profis.

The next events will be:

For your reference we include a list of passed talks and workshops:

8/17-8/19/2002:  Beijing (China)
International Congress of Mathematical Software (ICMS 2002)
Making the move: The next version of Cinderella (talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

8/12-8/14/2002:  Lethbridge (Alberta,CA)
14th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry
Cinderella: Construction, Complexity, Geometry (talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

8/9/2002:  SFU, Burnaby (CA)
Summer Workshop on Computer Assisted Mathematics and Advanced Collaboration (CECM 2002)
Visual Construction of Interactive Learning Environments for Geometry  (talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

6/15-6/18/2002:  Obidos (P)
Nexus Conference 2002
Will Dynamic Geometry software make Descriptive Geometry easier, or will Dynamic Geometry software make Descriptive Geometry obsolete? (talk)

5/22-5/25/2002:  Berlin (D)
VisMath 2002
Visualization of Riemann Surfaces (talk)
  Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert

5/15/2002, 10:00-12:00:  Berlin (D)
Was macht Cinderella heute? Dynamische Geometrie! (talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

4/5/2002, 11:25-12:00:  Eindhoven (NL)
38e Nederlands Mathematische Congres
t.b.a. (talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

4/2-4/5/2002:  Schöntal (D)
Computeralgebra in Lehre, Ausbildung und Weiterbildung III
Integration von Computeralgebra und Geometrie (talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

3/25-3/29/2002:  San Francisco (USA)
title t.b.a. (Fair)
  Presented by: Hideyuki Otokawa (SHARP)

3/24-3/28/2002:  Hannover (D)
Dynamische Geometrie mit modernen Medien  (talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

3/13-3/20/2002:  Hannover (D)
Cebit 2002
Cinderella bei SHARP (Fair)
Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert, Dirk Materlik
2/14/2002, 9:00-10:00:  Nürnberg (D)
Nürnberger Kolloquium zur Didaktik der Mathematik 2002
Neueste Entwicklungen zum computerunterstützten Geometrieunterricht (talk)

2/14/2002, 15:00-16:15:  Würzburg (D)
Fortbildungsveranstaltung Mathematik für Realschulen und Gymnasien
Dynamische Geometrie mit Cinderella: Hintergründe, Möglichkeiten und Perspektiven (talk)

2/1/2002, 16:00-17:00:  München (D)
Semesterabschluss der Hurwitzgesellschaft
Antrittsvorlesung Prof. Dr. Dr. Richter-Gebert  (talk)
  Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert

1/23/2002:  Eindhoven (NL)
EIDMA Seminar Combinatorial Theory
New Developments in Cinderella (talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

12/22/2001, 17:00-18:00:  BERLIN (D)
Möglichkeiten der Unterrichtsgestaltung mit Cinderella (talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

12/3/2001, 16:15-17:00:  Bonn (D)
Zur Komplexität Dynamischer Geometrie  (talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

9/29/2001, 8:30-9:15:  Dillingen (D)
Arbeitstagung MU&I
Cinderella 2.0: Neue Möglichkeiten - Neue Herausforderungen (talk)
  Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert

9/29/2001, 9:20-10:05:  Dillingen (D)
Arbeitstagung MU&I
Neue Eingabetechnik(en) für Geometrie (talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

9/22/2001:  Wuppertal (D)
T3-Regionaltagung "Medien, Werkzeuge, Spielzeug"
Experimentierkästen aus dem Computer (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

9/15/2001, 14:00-24:00:  Berlin (D)
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften
Cinderella (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

9/12-9/15/2001:  Berlin (D)
CANCELLED: ScienceFair 2001
Cinderella (Fair)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

7/16/2001, 14:00-15:00:  München (D)
Summer-School "Lebendige Mathematik"
Dynamische Geometriesoftware Cinderella  (Talk)
  Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert

7/16/2001, 15:00-16:00:  München (D)
Summer-School "Lebendige Mathematik"
Dynamische Geometriesoftware Cinderella  (workshop)
  Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert

7/6/2001, 16:00:  Berlin (D)
27. Berliner Algorithmen Tag
Orientations and Continuity (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

6/28/2001, 16:00:  Berlin (D)
4. Lehrernachmittag BMG
Cinderella 2.0 (Talk)
  Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert

6/21/2001, 14:00:  München (D)
Präsentation im Michaeli-Gymnasium München
Eine unvergessliche Geometriestunde (Talk)

5/31/2001, 16:30:  Dortmund (D)
Mathematikdidaktisches Kolloquium
Auf den Spuren der Geometrie (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

5/30/2001, 16:15:  Karlsruhe (D)
Kolloquium PH Karlsruhe
Auf den Spuren der Geometrie (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

5/29/2001, 17:15:  Kaiserslautern (D)
Didaktisches Kolloquium
Dynamische Geometrie (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

5/19/2001, 11:30 & 14:00:  Berlin (D)
Tag der Mathematik
Cinderella - intelligente Geometrie (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

5/15/2001:  Paderborn (D)
Die Wiederbelebung des Konkreten (Talk)

3/22-3/28/2001:  CeBIT 2001, Halle 16/D23
CeBIT 2001, Halle 16, Stand D23
Cinderella auf dem Forschungsmarkt Berlin (Fair)

2/8/2001:  Oldenburg (D)
Didaktik-Kolloquium Uni Oldenburg
Auf den Spuren der Geometrie (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

01/30-02/02/2001:  Karlsruhe (D)
LearnTec 2001
Cinderella (Fair)

12/15/2000, 16:10-17:20:  Oberwolfach (D)
DGS-Workshop Oberwolfach
Randomisiertes Beweisen in nicht-linearen Situationen (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

12/14/2000, 10:10-11:10:  Oberwolfach (D)
DGS-Workshop Oberwolfach
Mathematische Grundlagen des Zugmodus in DGS (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

12/4/2000, 14:15-15:45:  Zürich (CH)
Kolloquium: Combinatorics, Geometry, Computation
Dynamic Geometry: Problems, Gadgets and Solutions (Talk)
  Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert

11/26-11/28/2000:  Rotterdam (NL)
European Academic Software Award 2000 Finals
Cinderella (Software Demo)

11/23-11/25/2000:  Lissabon (P)
Multimedia Tools for Communicating Mathematics
The Future of Dynamic Geometry (Talk)

11/8/2000:  Pfäffikon (CH)
Softwaretagung: Innovative Unterrichts- und Lernsoftware von Klett
Cinderella (Workshop)
  Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert

11/4/2000, 11:30-12:00:   Zürich (CH)
Fachtagung Unterrichten mit Neue Medien
Cinderella - Animierte Geometrie auf CD-ROM (Software Demo)
  Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert

09/29/2000, 10:30-11:00:   Bern (CH)
SATW Fachtagung 2000 -- Neue Medien im Unterricht
Dynamische Geometrie Grundlagen und Möglichkeiten (Talk)
  Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert

9/27/2000, 10:30-11:00:   Zürich (CH)
ADG 2000 - Automated Deduction in Geometry
Incidence Theorems on Manifolds (Talk)
  Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert

9/27/2000, 11:00-11:30:   Zürich (CH)
ADG 2000 - Automated Deduction in Geometry
Decision Complexity in Dynamic Geometry (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

9/26/2000, 17:00:  Zürich (CH)
ADG 2000 - Automated Deduction in Geometry
Cinderella (Software Demo)

9/22/2000, 17:30-17:50:  Dresden (D)
DMV-Jahrestagung 2000, Sektion Geometrie
Entscheidungskomplexität in Dynamischer Geometrie (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

9/6/2000, 9:30-10:30:  Barcelona (E)
EACA-2000, Computer Algebra and Applications
Dynamic Aspects in Computational Geometry (Talk)
  Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert

9/5/2000, 15:00-19:00:  Barcelona (E)
EACA-2000, Computer Algebra and Applications
Curso intensivo "Geometría dinámica con Cinderella" (Workshop)
  Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert

7/13-7/17/2000:  Hongkong
Smale Fest
Dynamic Geometry: Path jumping and computational complexity (Talk)
  Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert

7/7/2000, 11:15-13:00:  Cambridge (UK)
International Mathematics Enrichment Conference
Putting dynamic geometry on the web (Talk)
  Presented by: Bryan Dye (Mathsnet)

6/22/2000:  Berlin (D)
Geometrie am Computer (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

6/19/2000, 12:15-13:10:  SFU, Burnaby (Ca)
Live Collaborative Mathematics on the Net
Visions of Geometry on the Net (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

6/16/2000, 13:00-17:00:  SFU, Burnaby (Ca)
PIMS Teachers' Workshop
Creating Interactive Geometry with Cinderella (Workshop)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

6/13/2000:  Münster (D)
Pfingsttagung 2000
Papierlose Arbeitsblätter in der Geometrie - interaktiv und vernetzt (Workshop)
  Presented by: Gaby Heintz

6/10/2000:  Hamilton (Ca)
Math 2000 Meeting der CMS
Interactive Geometry (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

6/2/2000, 10:30-11:30:  Vienna (A)
Interactive Work Sheets for Teaching Geometry (Talk)
  Presented by: Gaby Heintz

4/28/2000, 11:00-12:30 + 15:00-16:30:  Vancouver (Ca)
Changing the Culture 2000
"Hi-Tech" (Workshop)
  Presented by: June Lester

2/8/2000:  Braunschweig (D)
Didaktik-Kolloquium TU Braunschweig
title t.b.a. (Talk)
  Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert

12/1-12/5/1999:  Berkeley (USA, Ca.)
The Future of Mathematical Communication '99
The Future of Geometry Communication (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

11/22/1999:  Zürich (CH)
Informatikkolloquium ETH Zürich
Geometrie am Computer - Die Wiederbelebung des Konkreten (Talk)

11/16/1999:  Bern (CH)
Informatikkolloquium Uni Bern
Cinderella (Talk)
  Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert

11/1/1999:  Berlin (D)
Graduiertenkolleg Algorithmische und Diskrete Mathematik
Foundations of Dynamic Geometry (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

10/5/1999:  Zürich (CH)
Cinderella Workshop
Einführungskurs für Lehrer und Didaktiker (Workshop)

10/4/1999:  Zürich (CH)
Cinderella Workshop
Einführungskurs für Lehrer und Didaktiker (Workshop)

9/21-9/25/1999:  Basel (CH)
Orbit '99
Cinderella an der Messe Orbit'99 (Fair)

9/9/1999, 11:30-12:30:  Mainz (D)
DMV Jahrestagung 1999
The complex behaviour of geometric objects (Talk)
  Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert

9/7/1999, 14:00-15:00:  Mainz (D)
DMV Jahrestagung 1999
Erstellen interaktiver Geometrie-Arbeitsblätter mit Cinderella (Workshop)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

9/7/1999, 11:30-12:30:  Mainz (D)
DMV Jahrestagung
Geometrieunterricht und das Internet (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

8/30-8/31/1999:  Bern (CH)
2nd international conference on new learning technologies
Geometrieunterricht und das Internet (Postersession)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

6/8/1999, 10:30:  Nürnberg (D)
Nürnberger Kolloquium zur Didaktik der Mathematik 1999
Euklidische und Nichteuklidische Geometrien mit "Cinderella" (Talk)

3/20/1999, 9:20-10:00:  Murten (CH)
SFIB-CTIE Kolloquium
Dynamische Computergeometrie (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

3/20/1999, 10:30-11:30:  Murten (CH)
SFIB-CTIE Kolloquium
Computerunterstützter Geometrieuntericht mit "Cinderella" (Workshop)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

3/16/1999, 14:30-14:50:  Antibes (F)
CG'99 - European Workshop on Computational Geometry
Dynamic Geometry II: Application (Talk)
  Presented by: Ulli Kortenkamp

3/15/1999, 14:50-15:10:  Antibes (F)
CG'99 - European Workshop on Computational Geometry
Dynamic Geometry I: The problem of continuity (Talk)
  Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert

3/2/1999, 16:15-17:00:  Bern (CH)
33. Tagung für Didaktik der Mathematik
Geometrie am Computer-Die Wiederbelebung des Konkreten (Talk)
  Presented by: Jürgen Richter-Gebert